coal processing effluent

Efficient recovery of phenol from coal tar processing wastewater .

Efficient recovery of phenol from coal tar processing wastewater .

WEBMay 1, 2020 · Sodium sulfate wastewater is a kind of coal tar processing effluent containing highly concentrated phenol. Owing to its high toxicity, phenol pose a serious threat to the natural environment and human health. In this paper, a novel ternary extractant, tributylphosphane (TBP)/diethyl carbonate (DEC)/cyclohexane, was utilized .

Coal sludge

Coal sludge

WEBApr 29, 2021 · Coal sludge, also known as slurry, is the liquid coal waste produced by mining activities. After mining, coal is crushed and washed to remove the surrounding soil and rock. The washing process generates huge amounts of liquid waste, and the mining process itself produces millions of tons of solid waste. Coal companies usually dispose .

Measuring low mercury content in furnace waste, with ALTEC's .

Measuring low mercury content in furnace waste, with ALTEC's .

WEBJan 1, 2018 · An increase in interest in trace mercury content in coal processing waste means that an accurate, swift, precise and representative measurement of low, very low or even trace mercury content in the analysed samples (down to μg/g) is an important issue and ALTEC's automatic atomic absorption spectrometer AMA254 is capable of .

Coal waste

Coal waste

WEBCoal mining and coal combustion in power plants produce several types of wastes: The mining process itself produces waste coal or solid mining refuse, which is a mixture of coal and rock.; The mining process also produces liquid coal waste, which is then stored in impoundments.; Pollution control equipment used for coal combustion produces coal .

Coal Production and Processing Technology

Coal Production and Processing Technology

WEBNov 5, 2015 · Coal Production and Processing Technology provides uniquely comprehensive coverage of the latest coal technologies used in everything from mining to greenhouse gas mitigation.

Coal waste management practices in the USA: an overview

Coal waste management practices in the USA: an overview

WEBOct 11, 2014 · This paper provides an overview of coal waste management practices with two case studies and an estimate of management cost in 2010 US dollars. Processing of asmined coal typically results in considerable amount of coarse and fine coal processing wastes because of inseam and outofseam dilution mining. Processing plant clean .

Tailings Dewatering, Thickening More

Tailings Dewatering, Thickening More

WEBCoal, Gold, Copper, Iron Ore, Oil Shale, Other Industrial Minerals Metals. ... Clarify wash plant effluent water while thickening slurry to reduce the volume of slurry going to the pond. ... (effluent treatment using thickeners/clarifiers and mechanical dewatering) in addition to wet sand processing/classifiion. Over the years we've ...

Using South African sulfideenriched coal processing waste for ...

Using South African sulfideenriched coal processing waste for ...

WEBApr 1, 2022 · Given a coal slurry production rate of Mtpa 9, the total sulfideenriched stream production (dry basis) is likely to be between 20 ktpa and 575 ktpa, depending on the relative deportment of ultrafine coal processing waste during flotation separation.

Hydrogen Sulfide Formation and Potential Health Consequences in Coal .

Hydrogen Sulfide Formation and Potential Health Consequences in Coal .

WEBMar 29, 2013 · Coal is the world's largest energy source for electricity generation and is mined on 6 continents. Sulfate contamination of surface and ground water from these mining and processing operations is well recognized and commonly monitored as a primary indior of coal mining impact to surface water and groundwater. However, .

Lowcarbon utilization of coal gangue under the carbon ...

Lowcarbon utilization of coal gangue under the carbon ...

WEBMay 25, 2023 · Coal gangue, produced during coal mining and processing [1, 2], is one of the most extensively produced solid wastes in China [1, 3], accounting for approximately 10%‒20% of raw coal production [].The accumulation of coal gangue causes serious environmental, social, and economic problems in the coal mining area [].Heavy metals .

The prospects of burning coal and oil processing waste in slurry, gel ...

The prospects of burning coal and oil processing waste in slurry, gel ...

WEBJun 25, 2019 · It is a relevant task to conduct a complex analysis of the combustion efficiency of wastederived fuel mixtures (in the slurry, gel or solid state) based on coal processing waste and vegetable oils, used industrial oils or oil sludge. Coaloil granulate production and combustion have been the focus of some studies including [27], [28].

Cocombustion of coal processing waste, oil refining waste and ...

Cocombustion of coal processing waste, oil refining waste and ...

WEBSep 1, 2019 · Coal processing waste is normally stored at openair disposal sites, thus, being exposed to strong impact of natural factors (wind, sun, and air).

Characterization of heavy metals and PCDD/Fs from water ...

Characterization of heavy metals and PCDD/Fs from water ...

WEBA disposal method for fly ash from a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWIFA) that involved a water washing pretreatment and coprocessing in a cement kiln was tested. The mass flows of toxic heavy metals (HMs), including volatile HM (Hg), semivolatile HMs (Pb, Cd, Tl, and As), and lowvolatilit .

Coal explained Mining and transportation of coal

Coal explained Mining and transportation of coal

WEBFeb 16, 2023 · Transporting coal. Coal can be transported from mines and processing plants to consumers in several different ways: Conveyors, trams, and trucks move coal around mines, for short distances from mines to that are consumers close to the mines, or to other modes of longdistance transportation. Trains transport nearly 70% of coal .

Breakthrough and innovative clean and efficient coal .

Breakthrough and innovative clean and efficient coal .

WEBMay 1, 2021 · To update the methods used to provide clean and efficient conversion of coal, it is required to explore forward leading technology for the modern coal chemical industry, as shown in Fig. approaches include machinelearning technology for the efficient design and development of alysts (Han et al., 2017); high value, highend, .

Biotoxicity assessment and toxicity mechanism on coal .

Biotoxicity assessment and toxicity mechanism on coal .

WEBOct 1, 2018 · The results indied that the effluent of pretreatment process presented relatively high acute biotoxicity to Tetrahymena thermophila. ... mechanism of microbial metabolism on the efficient degradation of aromatic compounds for biochemical treatment process of coal chemical wastewater in pilot scale. The results laid a good foundation .

Refined coal

Refined coal

WEBRefined coal is the product of the coalupgrading technology that removes moisture and certain pollutants from lowerrank coals such as subbituminous and lignite (brown) coals, raising their calorific values. [1] Coal refining or upgrading technologies are typically precombustion treatments and processes that alter the characteristics of coal ...

Coal Mine Solid Waste Backfill Process in China: Current Status .

Coal Mine Solid Waste Backfill Process in China: Current Status .

WEBSep 8, 2023 · Coal mine solid waste backfill is a coal mining method employed to safeguard subterranean and surface geological formations, as well as water resources, against impairment. It stands as a pivotal technical approach for realizing ecologically sustainable mining endeavors, aiming to address China's predicament of 'three down' .

Isotropic pitchderived carbon fiber from waste coal

Isotropic pitchderived carbon fiber from waste coal

WEBJan 5, 2024 · Waste coalderived isotropic pitch was produced via a direct coal liquefaction (DCL) process [[12], [13], [14]] in tetralin (1,2,3,4tetrahydronaphthalene), followed by pressure filtration and distillation of the resultant coal extract to render an isotropic of coal in tetralin (1:3 by weight) was carried out in a 2 L autoclave at 410 °C .

Burning Properties of Slurry Based on Coal and Oil Processing Waste

Burning Properties of Slurry Based on Coal and Oil Processing Waste

WEBMar 4, 2016 · However, burning wet coal processing waste provides the lowest concentrations of NOx and SO2 (5–44% lower than in a dry state and 35–70% lower than they are for coal). Considering the main ...

Coal Preparation | SpringerLink

Coal Preparation | SpringerLink

WEBThe waste slurry contains water, coal fines, silt, clay and other fine mineral particles from the processing plant. In most cases, the slurry is discarded into an impoundment (Fig. 19 ). An impoundment is an engineered structure consisting of a large volume earthen settling basin formed behind a manmade dam or embankment.

Research status of comprehensive utilization of coalbased solid waste .

Research status of comprehensive utilization of coalbased solid waste .

WEBMay 20, 2024 · Coalbased solid waste (CSW) is the solid waste generated in the process of coal mining, washing and pyrolysis, which is an important industrial solid waste.

Glossary | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Glossary | Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

WEBCoal Processing Waste Earth materials which are separated and wasted from the product coal during cleaning, concentrating, or other processing or preparation of coal. Combustible Material Organic material that is capable of burning, either by fire or through oxidation, accompanied by the evolution of heat and a significant temperature rise.

Coal and Water Pollution | Union of Concerned Scientists

Coal and Water Pollution | Union of Concerned Scientists

WEBDec 6, 2017 · Coal and Water Pollution. Published Dec 6, 2017. Table of Contents. Lakes, rivers, streams, and drinking water supplies are all heavily impacted by coal mines and power plants. Coal is more often associated with billowing smokestacks than it is with water. But virtually every stage of coal's lifecycle—from mining to processing to burning ...

The prospects of burning coal and oil processing waste in slurry, .

The prospects of burning coal and oil processing waste in slurry, .

WEBJun 25, 2019 · It is a relevant task to conduct a complex analysis of the combustion efficiency of wastederived fuel mixtures (in the slurry, gel or solid state) based on coal processing waste and vegetable oils, used industrial oils or oil sludge. Coaloil granulate production and combustion have been the focus of some studies including [27], [28].

Evaluation of Ecologically Relevant Bioassays for a Lotic System ...

Evaluation of Ecologically Relevant Bioassays for a Lotic System ...

WEBJul 1, 2004 · In the Leading Creek Watershed (southeast Ohio), an aggregated ∼ 99% reduction in mean mayfly abundance for all impacted sites was observed below a coalmine effluent with mean specific conductivity (SC) of 8,109 (7,750–8,750) μS cm1. The mayfly, Isonychia, was exposed for 7days to a simulation of this effluent, in lotic microcosms.

Phycoremediation of phenolic effluent of a coal gasifiion .

Phycoremediation of phenolic effluent of a coal gasifiion .

WEBOct 1, 2017 · Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the degradation effect of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (KX686118) on the phenolic effluent of a coal gasifiion (CG) plant. The major pollutant present in the effluent is phenol (C 6 H 5 OH). The effect of C. pyrenoidosa on phenol degradation was analyzed by inoculating 1 g of wet biomass into .

IDEM: Water Quality In Indiana: Industrial Permit Overview

IDEM: Water Quality In Indiana: Industrial Permit Overview

WEBWater quality based effluent limits take into account characteristics of the receiving stream such as the low flow value and hardness of the stream at the point of discharge. ... 327 IAC 157 Coal mining, coal processing, and reclamation activities; 327 IAC 158 Noncontact cooling water; 327 IAC 159 Petroleum products terminals ...

Effective Utilization of Coal Processing Waste: Separation of

Effective Utilization of Coal Processing Waste: Separation of

WEBHandling and disposal of high volume of fine coal tailings is a biggest challenge for coal washeries. Separation of clean coal by density separation and flotation shows limited yields of 2328% and 1314% respectively. Chemical leaching process has a challenge with the formation of insoluble salts. The present investigation aimed to separate clean coal by a .

Field and laboratory assessment of a coal processing effluent in .

Field and laboratory assessment of a coal processing effluent in .

WEBThe Environmental Protection Agency has not recommended water quality criteria (WQC) to protect aquatic life from elevated sodium and sulfate concentrations, such as those associated with the coalprocessing effluent of Meigs County Mine #31. This discharge, received by a tributary of the Leadi .

Management of coal processing wastes: studies on an alternate ...

Management of coal processing wastes: studies on an alternate ...

WEBNov 1, 2017 · Depending on the bene ciation process, dry coal rejects are typically disposed of as coal waste piles while coal reject slurries are discarded in rivers (especially in India) or within embankments ...

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